We wake up every day to a world where news and information come freely and abundantly. Our phones send us top headlines from our favorite media outlets – even when we do not ask. When following social media, we are quickly exposed to current trends and hot-button issues. Under this information bombardment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is not.
Our heavenly Father has called upon us Christians to bring the truth to the world. For this reason, it is essential that God-fearing men and women be a significant presence in the media. We want to be the ones to win the hearts and minds of the generations to Christ – so that they will be delivered from the broken world today.
At Olivet School of Media and Communication (OSMC), our goal is to prepare students to be critical thinkers, effective storytellers, skilled multimedia content producers and servant-leaders in the rapidly changing media landscape.
Students will learn how to tell a story in multimedia format – with texts, photography, videos and graphics. We train students to practice responsible journalism abiding media law and ethics. Our curriculum and technology are updated regularly to match up with the current standard in the media profession.
More importantly, we encourage students to set up a strong foundation in Christian faith through spiritual training, bible studies and theological education. Because when you are well-connected with God, you can grow to become a servant-leader to provide solutions for the world.
Students may start their study program at Riverside campus where they study Bible and theology courses, and immerse in a spiritual environment filled with the Word of God and prayers.
The second part of the study program can be completed at OSMC’s Washington D.C. campus, where courses are taught by experienced faculty and media professionals who are ready to connect students to the industry.
Students will be given opportunities to gain hands-on experience in media ministries and create a media portfolio through the upper-level courses and internship program.
Students graduated from OSMC have excellent communication skills, which is applicable and transferable in many different professions. Our graduates play major roles in the media such as writers, editors, video producers, photojournalists, and social media strategists. They may also pursue a career in public relations and advertising for businesses, churches, ministries and non-profit organizations.